Wanted to say awesome job on your pico day submission.
It was really high quality and you have a really high degree of professionalism. Can't wait to see what you have next!
The NextVIew lies beyond the horizon.
Animator/Programm er
Joined on 8/3/09
Wanted to say awesome job on your pico day submission.
It was really high quality and you have a really high degree of professionalism. Can't wait to see what you have next!
Hey, thanks! To those sentiments, all I can say is likewise, the feeling is mutual.
Congrats on actually placing too
I found your pico movie to be a refreshing change of pace.
All those action flicks got old, your take was more original. Glad to see you have other projects in the works.
Thank you, praise or criticism from a fellow artist always carries more weight to me.